Weaverville Fire Department Support Services
Minutes, Meeting May 6, 2015 5:00 p.m.
125 Bremer Street
I. Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by President, Tina Scott at 5:05 p.m. Members present: Betty, Marjie, Kathy, Serena, Elizabeth, Larry H., Shellie, Lewis, Terri, and Lisa.
II. Approve Minutes of April 1, 2015 – MSC Boorman/McCall to approve the minutes of the April 1, 2015 meeting, as presented.
III. Reports:
A. President: (Tina) – Tina reported that she will be stepping down as President, due to relocation.
B. Treasurer: (Marjie) –Marjie reported on Bingo income – $343.25 for the season. Stagecoach Pizzeria donated gift certs. Bingo will continue all year, next bingo is June 7 at 1:00 p.m. Discussion on whether to have it the first or second Sunday of each month – will have 1st Sunday in June and 2nd Sunday in July and see which is better. Discussion on having more firefighter participation. A sign-up sheet was passed around and will be posted on the bulletin board for more helpers.
C. Logistics: (Tania) No report.
IV. Action Items:
A. Nominate/Elect Interim President to finish this term, ending August 2015 – NSC Curran/McCall for Lisa Guglielmina to take the President Office. Votes: Ayes 10, Noes 0
B. Nominate/Elect Interim Vice-President to finish this term, ending August 2015 – NSC Guglielmina/Horrocks for Serena Brown to take the Vice-President Office. Votes: Ayes 10, Noes 0
C. Job Descriptions Approve – MSC Brown/McBrayer to approve the Job Descriptions as presented.
D. Mother’s Day Roses (Lisa) – Roses will be in Friday, Linda will be here along with a small group to assemble. Short discussion on the possibility of the rose program to be discontinued. A senior member of the Department had suggested ending the rose program and bingo due to low income and to focus on higher profiting fund raisers. Will be discussed at a later time with the Department.
E. Children’s Festival (Lisa) – Lisa, Tania, and Betty signed up to run the booth at the Children’s Festival. Betty will bring the miniature horse.
F. Fundraisers during Open House (Larry H) – Elizabeth reported that the dorm open house will be the same day as the 4th of July parade – when we meet back at the station for the hand pumper demo, we will have the open house at that time. We will have free cookies and drinks for the public in addition to a bake sale, root beer floats, and a 50/50 raffle for fund raising. Lisa will make sign-up sheets for this. It was suggested to get the sign-up sheets up earlier to make everyone aware. The calendar fundraiser is going along well, will get a couple of the firefighters who are leaving town for work. Discussion on soliciting businesses to sponsor the calendar. Serena suggested a yearly sponsor program, where a business buys sponsorship for the entire year with $200-$500 sponsor- they would be mentioned in all of the FD and SS activities. Fire Department Cookbook – send in the recipes to Lisa by September 1st. Discussion on a food fundraiser, such as “Breakfast for Dinner”. Food fundraisers bring in the highest profit. Shellie will contact the “Twenty” group to see how they could assist in some of the fund raising events.
G. Discussion on Cleaning SCBA Masks (Scott?)- tabled
H. Discussion on July 4th weekend Muster (Scott?) tabled
I. Sober Grad (Serena) – Sober Grad is in dire need for volunteers, if anyone from Support Services is interested, please contact Sadie at 530-739-9340. If she doesn’t get enough volunteers, there will not be a sober grad.
V. Committee Reports:
A. EMS Support (Serena) – Will go through the bags before fire season.
B. Station Maintenance (Tania) – Lisa reported on the new stove/oven for Station 1.
C. Equipment (Fleet) Maintenance: (Herk) – No report.
D. Web Technology: (Mike) – Lisa reported that Mike is keeping up on the website, and facebook. Anyone can post on WFD FB account, just nothing that tarnishes our reputation.
E. Fundraiser (Larry H) – Already discussed.
F. Marketing (Betty) – Betty reported getting the bingo handouts put up around town.
VI. Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting: Serena reminded anyone interested in Relay for Life to sign-up. Next meeting: Shellie report on her discussion with the “Twenty” club, July 4th weekend events, Tabled items.
VII. Adjourn: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.